Parish Pastoral Council is an advisory body that assists and advises the Pastor in assessing the various spiritual and temporal needs of the Parish and in making evaluations and recommendations that will assist him. It also makes recommendations for the improvements and quality of Parish life and the effectiveness of Parish services and policies. The Council fosters communication among the Pastor, staff and parishioners.

Liturgy Commission helps the Pastor in carrying out the Liturgical themes throughout the year by assisting in the seasonal planning, training of Alter Servers, Lectors, Ushers and Extraordinary Ministers. The Liturgy commission works with the Evangelization Commission. The Liturgy & Evangelization Commission Chair is Dan Sweeney.

Evangelization Commission is concerned with how Emmanuel reaches out to its parishioners and the Dayton area. They arrange events designed for the Dayton community and collaborate with the Education Commission on events such as the Parish Mission. They serve as a means to connect the various Emmanuel commissions and the parishes in our pastoral region. The Liturgy & Evangelization Commission Chair is Dan Sweeney.

Education Commission focus is offering advice to the Pastor on CCD, RCIA, and other religious formation programs such as Bible Study, Lenten Mission, etc. They assist the Director of Religious Education in carrying out his duties dealing with all aspects of spiritual growth of Emmanuel Parish.

Facilities Commission focuses on ensuring the integrity and maintenance of the Parish buildings, grounds and any future expansions. They identify short and long-term maintenance needs and recommends solutions for all issues dealing with the Church properties. The Facilities Commission Chair is Mike Stoner, 937-438-5628.